Friday, January 30, 2015

Save the Dates!

The PTA has been busy planning lots of new events for our families!  We're always looking for new members, so if you're interested in helping out with any of these, please contact Stacey Weigler.

Please mark the following on your calendar:

18th - PTA Meeting, 6:30pm

2nd Read-a-Thon
9th-13th - Take your Family to School Week (multiple events)
     > Math Night
     > Breakfast Event
     > Parent Workshop: “Motivating Your Student to Choose Success” – Susan Fitzell

18th - PTA Meeting - note special time to accommodate teachers, 3:30pm
20th - BINGO Night, 6-8pm

10th - PJ & Popcorn Movie Night, 6-8pm

15th - PTA Meeting - all are welcome! 6:30pm

More details will be shared as the events get closer.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Boxtops Big Money Sweepstakes

Our school participates in the Boxtops program and our goal is to earn $2,500 through the program this year.  Each boxtop collected is worth 10-cents, but they add up fast!

Right now Box Tops for Education is having a contest right now and we could win 1 MILLION BOXTOPS!!  Please go HERE to see how to enter.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Volunteer Opportunity - Bake Sale Coordinator

HGF PTA is in need of a bake sale coordinator for the rest of the year. Bake sales are held on the last Wednesday of the month (3rd Wednesday in February and April). The monthly time committment would be from 8:15 - 10:30 or so and would include setting up the baked goods, overseeing the bake sale and cleaning up once all of the classes have visited. It would also be helpful if the coordinator would copy and send out a request for baked goods at the beginning of the month and a reminder notice the week before, but that is not required. Other parents volunteer to help, but we need someone who can be there every month. Thank you for your consideration. Please contact Stacey Weigler if you are able take on this role.

PTA Volunteer Opportunity - Restaurant of the Month Coordinator

HGF PTA is in need of a restaurant of the month coordinator for the rest of the year. This person would be responsible for contacting local restaurants to schedule monthly fundraiser nights to benefit HGF. A list of participating restaurants that can be called to find out details of their fundraising programs will be provided. This person would also be responsible for sending out out notifications. Please contact Stacey Kazakis Weigler with questions or if you're interested.